Altered Carbon: Resleeved

The Brief:

Altered Carbon: Resleeved is an anime adaptation of a Netflix Original live-action series: Altered Carbon.
The intention of this design pitch is to come up with a new title design for the adaptation focusing on the word Resleeved.

The Design Solution:

As the adaptation is meant to be part of the Altered Carbon universe, I decided to extract details from the original title design,
thereby replicating the same effect and reconstructing the word Resleeved. By executing the logo in this manner,
the iconism of it is retained and adds longevity to the existing branding while maintaining a pattern of consistency.


Original Title Design

Resleeved Title Design (Outline & Render)

Effects Exploration

(Click on arrows to view more)

Final & Published

Artwork & Media Appearances

Official Trailer